All about lavender oil and its benefits

All about lavender oil and its benefits

Who hasn’t heard of lavender? This wonderful plant is so well known globally for its rich aroma, enchanting smell and numerous health benefits. It is also a very attractive herb with relaxing properties. For these very reasons, lavender is used in medicine to treat certain health problems.
Lavender flowers not only decorate the garden, but also have healing, anti-inflammatory properties. In this article we will explain the most important benefits of using this plant for our health.
Lavender is the basis of the finest perfumes, bath soaps and essential oils. It is native to the mountainous Mediterranean region and northern Africa. It grows best in sunny, rocky habitats.
There are about 40 varieties of lavender belonging to the mint family. The best known is Lavandula angustifolia or Lavandula officinalis, because it is the most commonly used for its essential oils.

Being more than just a pretty purple flowering plant, lavender contributes positively to the following health problems:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Digestive problems
  • Skin irritations caused by insects
  • Insomnia
  • Rheumatic pains
  • Treating wounds and burns
  • Cellular regenerator, providing skin health benefits

What are the medicinal properties of lavender oil
Lavender is the basis of many medicines or products that contribute to people’s well-being and has numerous properties and benefits:
It is healing and antiseptic, ideal for preventing blisters after a burn or for preventing wound infections;
Helps to a more restful sleep, thanks to its relaxing and sedative properties;
It is an excellent pain reliever;
Has astringent properties;
Due to its antioxidant properties, lavender oil is useful for treating skin problems such as acne;
Helps regenerate the body’s cells;
It has antibacterial and antispasmodic properties, which are useful to combat the growth of bacteria in the stomach;
Lavender oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, which is why it is the basis of creams and gels for soothing skin irritation;
Helps to improve blood circulation and relieve respiratory disorders;
Inhaling the scent of lavender helps improve digestion because it stimulates the mobility of the intestine and helps the production of bile and gastric juices;

How lavender oil can be used
It can be used in relaxing as well as therapeutic massages, because it helps to reduce muscle pain;
It can be added to baths or showers to relax muscles and joints;
Lavender oil can be inhaled with a candle or vaporized with a diffuser;
Lavender oil capsules can be used for relieving anxiety.
In addition, lavender oil serves as an insect repellent that can provide up to 9 hours of protection against mosquitoes.
According to scientific studies, lavender oil has been shown to be useful in the treatment of various skin diseases such as psoriasis.
A restful sleep can be regained through better habits. A bath before sleep in which you add a few drops of lavender oil or put in a diffuser of aromas can be the best decision to improve sleep.
Finally, lavender can be used naturally in various forms such as tincture, infusion, cream or gel, but lavender essential oil is the most commonly used because it is extremely versatile and makes the most of lavender’s medicinal properties.

There are no known negative effects of using lavender oil and it is considered a harmless product. However, it is not recommended to use lavender in pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding and it may not be recommended for children. Also, avoid getting lavender oil in your eyes or on open wounds, where it could cause irritation.

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